色景(With OBI)

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki

¥7,700(¥7,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/260*310*15
Nobuyoshi Araki, a leading Japanese photographer. He started photography under the influence of his father, a clog craftsman and amateur photographer, and has released sensational works such as "O Japan" and "Sentimental Journey" since the 1970s. This book is a photo book published in 1991. Araki, whose beloved wife Yoko passed away in 1990 and captured the sky only in black and white, began to take flowers and began to search for colors gradually, leading to this book, "Color Scenery". "My wife died and I didn't just photograph the sky from inside the room. I went out of the room to the balcony, and from the balcony, the sky, the wind, the light, the persimmon trees next to me, and the ivy that stuck to the terrace. I shot the in monochrome for one year.The color of the self portrait was taken on a balcony wearing a Yoko's Amando pink coat on the balcony, and the remains of Yoko against the background of a persimmon tree. has begun ”(from the text“ Colorscape ”at the end of the book). Cityscapes, close-ups of flowers, nudity ... Photos taken in 6x7 size are impressive in vivid colors, with primary colors such as red and green being the point. With obi.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Good.