Naked City



Publisher/Essential Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/246   Size/240*170*18
"Naked City" is a photo book of Weegee, a photographer born in Austria and active in New York. Wheezy (real name: Arthur Ferig) installed a radio interceptor on his car and tuned it to the police emergency contact wavelength before the war, before photographers from newspapers and news agencies were organized in terms of mass. , A photographer who rushed to the scene of the incident earlier than anyone else and took pictures of real incidents such as violence, theft, disasters, and scandalous. These works are highly evaluated not only for the recordability of news photographs, but also for the artistry created with a unique sense of smell and outstanding sensibility. This book is Wheezy's 1st photo book published in 1945, and is a masterpiece that remains in the history of photography. In addition to the incident photos mentioned above, the street scenes of New York taken by Wheezy in the 20's and 30's have been edited by region and theme, and Wheezy's own unique caption has been added to the graphical layout. "Naked City, New York" is exposed naked. 3rd edition.
<Related Artists>Diane ArbusWeegeeLisette Model
<Condition> Good.