京の街角 / Kyoto Street Corner

田阪 勝 / Masaru Tasaka

¥38,500(¥35,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/220*265*18
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Masaru Tasaka, "Kyoto Street Corner". The details of Tasaka's biography are not certain, but according to the postscript he is an amateur photographer and his main business is a blacksmith. So far, as a resident of Kyoto, I have seen many works of "Kyoto" with motifs of traditional subjects such as shrines and temples, gardens, castles, detached palaces, townhouses, mountain rivers and handicrafts. He says he is dissatisfied with being able to talk about Kyoto. "Kyoto also has street corners and lives. There is a quiet life of an unnamed commoner .... There's nothing great. " Certainly, Maiko and foreign tourists are like Kyoto when it comes to Kyoto, but Kyoto from the inside is also interesting. And the artist's senses and skills can be seen and hidden in snaps and compositions. It is a book that condensed the "daily life of Kyoto in the 1970s".
<Related Artists> 岩宮 武二 / Takeji Iwamiya
<Condition> Jacket: Slightly burned / Slightly damaged Main body: Heaven / Small mouth stain