レッグ・コレクション / Leg Collection

島 隆志 / Takashi Shima



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/135*195*18
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Takashi Shima, "Leg Collection". Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1955, dropped out of the Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, returned to his hometown and completed a B seminar school (educational school for contemporary art in Yokohama), and began working as a graphic designer. He moved to the world and started working as a freelance photographer in 1990. At that exact moment, we are also creating works focusing on the “legs” of women who have been enthusiastic since their student days. When he was a high school student, he bought a 50's movie magazine at a used bookstore and scrapped a pin-up of a beautiful actress. It seems that he prefers something with a more plump, softer curve than the thin legs like today's young women and models, and the tense muscles of the legs wearing heels and generous fat It is said that the subtle expression weaving may seem erotic. This is the first book published in 1995.
<Related Artists> 篝 一光 / Ikko Kagari
<Condition> Good.