Pleasure Places

Steve Hiett


Publisher/Steve Hiett

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/203*203*5
Pleasure Places, a photo collection by British photographer Steve Highett. After working as a rock band guitarist, art director and designer, Hiet is a multi-artist who started his career as a photographer in 1968. Starting with work at NOVA, which swept the British fashion from the 1960s to the 1970s, he moved to Paris and has been active as a fashion photographer such as Vogue and Marie Claire. This book is a virgin photo collection published in 1976, and the Japanese version of “Visual Modeling” was also published in 1977. The camera is Nikon, the film is shot with Kodachrome, and the daily fragments are full of beauty. After all, it is a timeless masterpiece released by Luigi Ghirri, a pioneer of Italian color photography in 1978. You can't help but recall “Kodachrome”.
<Related Artists> Steve HiettLuigi Ghirri
<Condition> Main body: Cover with little scratches, little damage page margins, little overall page margin damage