Vaudou / Voodoo / Vudu

Jean-Dominique Burton


Publisher/5 Continents Editions

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/256   Size/238*213*28
Collection of works by Belgian photographer Jean Dominique Burton "Vaudou / Voodoo / Vudu". Born in 1952 in a small Belgian town of Yui, Burton studied graphic design and painting, then became involved in photography, and over the years, atlases and the Himalayas, like archaeologists and folklore scholars, repeated a kind of pilgrimage. I have tried to report the culture and ethnicity peculiar to the land. The land where such “scholars” have been fascinated since 2000 is “Burkina Faso” in West Africa. The voodoo religion that is believed in this area was once established in the Dakhome kingdom (Benin) in the colonial era and was established as “Christianity”. It has become highly unique. Therefore, costumes, living, methods of faith and spirits are very rare and even mysterious. Burton, who was enamored with such characteristics, carefully depicts the life of the Dakhome people who once fascinated Master Irving Penn.
<Related Artists> Viviane SassenDaniele Tamagni
<Condition> Body: Small cover, little damage