Instant Stories(First Edition)

Wim Wenders


Publisher/Thames & Hudson

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/320   Size/250*295*33
"Instant Stories (First Edition)", a collection of works by Wim Wenders, a German film director and photographer. Wenders, who not only produces famous movies but also takes pictures on a daily basis as one of the means to expand his imagination, has left many famous photo books such as "Written in the West". increase. This book is composed of 36 stories spelled out with text using 403 Polaroid photographs taken for a long time in various countries around the world visited by Wenders. Since visiting Japan for the first time in the 70's and being fascinated by the world of "family" and "children" expressed by Yasujiro Ozu, Venders, who has become a pro-Japanese family, has taken signs and signs for movie promotions at that time. I have recorded a scene from the production site of Nagisa Oshima, which I took when I visited Kyoto. Like Hockney's "Polaroid Collage", what I saw and felt at that time was not "one", so the style of expressing that diverse perspective and thought through laying out multiple Polaroids on one page is interesting. Published in 2018, first edition.
<Related Artists> Wim Wenders
<Condition> Body: Almost new