カメラ毎日 1976年3月号 / Camera Mainichi March 1976(清家冨夫「Landscape」収録号)


¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/278   Size/183*258*13
In this book, the Camera Mainichi March 1976 issue, a series of representative works by Kazumasa Suda, a Japanese representative photographer, “Kazegata Handen”, a series of Yoshihiro Tachiki's “Erotica”, and photos in 1990 A collection of “Person-in-Picture” by Masami Takahashi, which was announced as a collection and taken at the Oita / Kunito Peninsula. In addition, works by Tsuneto Osafune, who has been active in self-operated galleries since the late 70s, are featured in the “Album”. 10 illustrations) is being recorded. Seike has been attracting attention in Western galleries since the 1980s, and will be announcing a photo book, but this work went to England for about a year after graduating from school and becoming a freelance assistant after Tadahiko Hayashi. Taken when I stayed. From the comment of this magazine, “In the middle of Japan, when I saw Japanese photo magazines, I wanted to take beautiful, sophisticated photos that weren't trendy. I thought that the magazine is no longer in Japan ... "
<Related Artists> 清家 冨夫 / Tomio Seike
<Condition> Good.