Eli Lotar

Eli Lotar


Publisher/Jeu de Paume

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/220   Size/235*285*20
A collection of works by Romanian photographer Eli Rotar (1905-1969). Born in Paris, acquired French citizenship in 1926, and later became a disciple of Germaine Krull, a female photographer from Germany who is renowned for modern photography such as industrial machinery and architecture. Rotar who went on and exhibition. From a depiction of mechanical aesthetics that reminiscent of Kururu, deepening friendship with the poet Jack Prevale and others, and focusing on surrealism, it seems that he aimed at the visual effect focused only on people's feet in the city's hustle and bustle He was a photographer who had been active since the prewar days, such as sculptures and atelier photographs of Alberta Giacometti, which he was familiar with later. This book is a collection of photographs that was published after the exhibition of Rotar at the Jeu de Paume National Museum in 2017. In the mid-1990s, the first major retrospective exhibition was held at the Pompidou Center. It will be a solo exhibition since then. This is a wonderful collection of Lotar's charms, which have been created from a multifaceted perspective, from avant-garde photography, movie / video photography, and even reportage to still life.
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<Condition> Body: Small cover thread