Antropologia Da Face Gloriosa / Anthropology Of The Glorious Face

Arthur Omar

¥19,800(¥18,000 + tax)

Publisher/Cosac & Naify

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/239   Size/338*253*23
A collection of photos by Arthur Omar, a diverse artist from Brazil. Omar has been leading the Brazilian art world by working in a wide range of fields including filmmakers, photographers, contemporary artists, music directors and essayists. This book is regarded as one of Brazil's classic photo collections, and is composed of photographs of the people who enjoy carnival. Speaking of face photo works, Diane Arbus and Ken Ohara are recalled, but this is another thing. It was created to scientifically study the essence of human beings and the characteristics of Brazilian people through portraits of the people who were in trance at the carnival. Omar says "Image Ecstasy". A number of unique facial expressions in which the emotions lurking in the depths of human beings are brought to the surface under certain unreal circumstances such as carnival. It is also interesting that the concept of Omer is clearly shown in all 161 illustrations.
<Condition> Body: Cover page with small scratches, small scratches, small scratches, and other aging