naked new york nan goldin meets yukio kobayashi

Nan Goldin


Publisher/Nan Goldin

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/150*210*5
“Naked new york nan goldin meets yukio kobayashi”, a collection of photographs by America's leading female photographer Nan Goldin. Like Nobuyoshi Araki et al., A photographer representing the “private photography” of America, and as if responding to the “second private photography boom” in Japan in the 90s, Goldin often visited Japan in the 90s. Visit and do collaboration. I co-authored a photo book with Nobuyoshi Araki, and published a close-up photo book of “YMO”. This is the "Nicole" season visual book by designer Mitsuhiro Matsuda, who led the DC brand boom. At that time, Yukio Kobayashi, who succeeded Matsuda, was in charge of design, and the subtitle was “nan goldin meets yukio kobayashi”. It consists of illustrations of Goldin's intimate images weaved by men and women (sometimes men and women), and Gold Army's allied David Armstrong is also a photo assistant. 3500 limited copies.
<Related Artists> Nan GoldinDavid Armstrong
<Condition> Body: Cover damage minor