A Double Life

Nan Goldin & David Armstrong



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/184   Size/243*323*18
"A Double Life" co-authored by leading American photographer Nan Goldin and David Armstrong. Both Goldin and Armstrong, both photographers of the Boston Generation, are photographers who represent American young generation culture in the 1970s and 80s. And beyond the boundaries of photography friends, they became long-lived partners and allies. This book is a valuable collaboration work by such two people. As the title suggests, their co-authorship of “A Double Life” begins with Armstrong photographed by Goldin and Portrait of Goldin photographed by Armstrong. A love and friendship carving about the history of the two of them about 20 years later, like a documentary depicting the two people who were around 20 years old in the mid-70s growing up through interaction with lovers and friends The story. Jack Pearson, a fellow of the Boston School, will also appear.
<Related Artists> Nan GoldinDavid Armstrong
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, small damage Damaged body: Heaven, ground, small amount of minor discoloration, etc.