The Life and Work of Sid Grossman

Sid Grossman



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/251   Size/260*270*25
A collection of works by American photographer Sid Grossman (1913-1955) "The Life and Work of Sid Grossman". Grossman who was also one of the collective names of “The New York School” of artists who worked in New York after the pre-war war, when photographer Sole Reiter, who had gained explosive popularity over the past few years, also named. He was also an American photographer group active from 1936 to 1951, and was one of the founding members of “Photo League”, including Aaron Siskind and others. I am a photographer who was also engaged in teaching backwards. In 1955, because of a heart attack suddenly at the age of 42, there was no collection of works published before his life, and only one book that introduced the career was published as a related book in 1959 after the war. . This book is a collection of works that summarizes the entire career of Grossman, and includes “Coney Island”, which is the cover of the cover of the masterpiece, and illustrations taken in Panama during military service. Foreword is Howard Greenberg, owner of a prestigious New York gallery.
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<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, Body: Small return