東京夏物語 / Tokyo Summer Story

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/398   Size/183*258*30
A collection of photographs representing Tokyo's leading photographer, Keigo Araki "Tokyo Summer Story". The book, published in 2003, is unique among the many snaps of Araki, with Araki riding taxis projecting a car window. It is clear that things like the taxi door are visible, but those taken through the window may not at first seem to be taken from inside the car. According to the commentary of Kazuru Suzuki, who designed the book at the end of the book, the film was taken, although people moving from inside the car to people waiting for traffic lights, people passing by the side of cars and moving from downtown to residential areas It is carried out by mounting lenses of 90 mm and 55 mm in two 6-inch / 7-format cameras "Makina", and a taxi is said to have returned from a home in Araki for 2-3 hours around Tokyo. Commentary on the closeness of Suzuki's camera and car, and the continuity of each frame that should be cut off with Araki's photographs (referred to as "alarchy magic") is also interesting.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, band small color, body: Aging