
伴田 良輔 / Ryosuke Handa



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/143*220*23
A collection of works by Japanese artist, writer, photographer Ryosuke Soda "The Legend of a Million". Born in 1954. Debuted in 1986 with the book The Science of Singles. Since then, Yoshida Michida has been performing expression activities across a wide range of genres that are not confined to the traditional genre as an artist / photographer, while focusing on critique activities. A large number of photographs focusing on the body of women are also published, including "mamma" which was published with the poet Shuntaro Tanigawa. This book is a collection of works that introduced the monthly magazine "One Million of the People", which was published as an entertainment magazine for adults at night from 1956 to 41 (1966). This book is an excerpt of the magazine from 125 volumes published, but it is printed while boldly trimming copies of magazines such as gravure, gossip, and comics, and it is configured to enjoy its visuals You are The sexual science articles and the designs and illustrations are interesting, and Ms. Tada also praises its sense as "Dada and Futurist are all blue, Max Ernst is also a nephew".
<Related Artists> 篝 一光 / Ikko Kagari荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Body: Aging