Tsugi no yoru e(Second Edition)

山谷 佑介 / Yusuke Yamatani


Publisher/Yuka Tsuruno Gallery

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*300*5
"Tsugi no yoru e (Second Edition)" is a collection of photographs by Japanese photographer Yusuke Yamatani. Born in 1985. Keisuke Yamatani said that after working for a photo studio, he studied photography through interaction with Higashimatsu Lighting and other photographers he met in Nagasaki, who moved to work as a writer. Published his first photo book "Tsugi no yorue" at his own expense in 2013, and then participated in the Kyoto International Photo Festival (2015), Tokyo International Photo Festival (2015), and exhibits at the NY Conde Nast Headquarters building , Is one of the young photographers of interest to announce works at home and abroad. This book is the second edition of "Tsugi no yoru e", which was published at your own expense, and was reissued at the YUKA TSURUNO Gallery exhibition. In 2010, when Yamatani lived in Osaka, this book, which cuts out the days with young people who gather in live houses and clubs, has had a great deal of response both at home and abroad. Yamatani himself belongs to the circle, and this is a copy of the unpainted figures of skaters, punks and residents of the underground community.
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<Condition> Body: Cover small thread, other aged ※ This product can be delivered in letter pack