約束の地 / Promised Land(Signed)

藤田 進 / Susumu Fujita



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/155*215*10
A photo book by Japanese photographer Susumu Fujita "Promised Land". Born in Tokyo in 1956, has a history of participating in the legendary self-managed gallery "Image Shop CAMP", which was run mainly by Daido Moriyama and Kitajima Keizo, who represent Japan. Susumu Fujita, who also participated in the launch of the "Gallery Kaido" along with Koji Onaka who continues to work vigorously. Roppongi, which had been a bubble climax and disco high, cut out working and playing people, and presented it as a photo book "1980 Roppongi Seoul · Embassy" (2008), and it has the same high contrast monochrome as Kitajima et al. And powerful. This book is the long-awaited third work following "Silver Eye," published in limited edition of 500 in 2015. A lot of landscapes and everyday fragments that evoke Koji Onaka, from entertainment districts, neon districts, strippers and women at night. Even though the work has a high concentration that makes you feel the "smell" everywhere, there are appropriate "lightness" and "feeling of distance" in which the emotional elements are scraped off, and you do not get bored with what you see, into the world of imagination I will guide you. Photographer signed (Signed) .
<Related Artists> 藤田 進 / Susumu Fujita尾仲 浩二 / Koji Onaka
<Condition> Body; almost new ※ delivery possible in letter pack