The Last Testament

Jonas Bendiksen

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/468   Size/170*245*35
Photo book "The Last Testament" by Jonas Bendixsen, a photographer from Norway. Working at the office as a Magnum Photo intern at the age of 19, he decided to become a true photographer by seeing many archives, and after the intern he moved to the former Soviet Union. The series photographed there is contained in the first book "Satellites" (2006), and after two years of publication, he is a regular member of Magnum. After that, she interviewed slums around the world and presented "The Places We Live" (2008), which depicts the harsh environment, and in recent years has participated in the Magnum "Home" project, I have announced. This book is the latest work of Bendixen, the motif is "Jesus Christ" and "religion". The seven men who believe in the Second Coming of Christ are gathered and interviewed, and not only photos but also their own texts and e-mails etc. with the people interviewed are also posted, The Old Testament, New Testament (The New Testament) A large book covering 468 pages compiled as "The Last Testament".
<Related Artists> Alec SothJonas Bendiksen
<Condition> Body; cover thin yogore, rim slight damage