彼女と / Avec Elle

米田 知子 / Tomoko Yoneda



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/46   Size/183*258*5
A collection of works by Tomoko Yoneda, a female photographer representing Japan, and Mariko Asabuki, a writer "She with / Avec Elle". Born in 1965, in 1989 after graduating from the College of Art and Photography at the University of Illinois at Chicago, she graduated from the prestigious Royal College of Art in London and has been based in London since then. Born in 1984, she debuted in 2009 with "Study" and received the youngest Dumago Literature Award the following year. Mariko Asabuki who became the hot topic winner of the Akutagawa Prize for the first time in 2011 by Kikotowa. This book is a collection of works created in conjunction with Hermes' exhibition "She and Avec Elle" held at the National Art Center, New York in 2018. It consists of a compilation of the Asabuki novel and the image of Yoneda. The photograph of Yoneda with 2 pieces attached to 1 volume is taken down the item of Hermes moderately fashionable, and the image other than the item makes the smell of life drift somewhat while abstract motif (space), You can feel the theme of the exhibition, such as "Contemporary Female Image". Kako Nagashima is in charge of the simple yet clever design.
<Related Artists> 米田 知子 / Tomoko Yoneda長島 有里枝 / Yurie Nagashimalated Artists>
<Condition> Very good.