The Roma Journeys

Joakim Eskildsen



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/416   Size/240*273*40
Danish photographer Joakim Eskildsen's photo book "The Roma Journeys". This documentary is a documentary in which Eskildsen, along with the Finnish poet Cia Rinne, spent seven years chasing the Roma so-called gypsies, which are mainly scattered throughout Europe. He has traveled to seven countries, including Hungary, Greece, Romania, France, Finland, Russia and India, and has lived with them for several months, recording the reality and inside of the Roma in detail using photographs and texts. Some say that Roma Gypsy is still suffering from human rights violations and discrimination. The figure of Roma who lives a simple life positively is beautifully captured in the face of constant financial distress. The preface is Günter Grass, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. A CD recording folk songs of each country and Roma is attached at the end of the book.
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