マッド・アマノ / Mad Amano

¥52,800(¥48,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/173*200*10
A collection of works by Japanese artist Mad Amano "SOS". Mad Amano said he belonged to Hitachi's advertising department after graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts. Received the Bungei Shunju Manga Award in 1978 and moved to Los Angeles in the same year (returned 10 years later). From 1981, with the launch of the weekly magazine "FOCUS", we started a serialization entitled "The Age of Madness" and continued until the publication was suspended. Speaking of Mad Amano, known for the "parody trial," the photos used in the collage were contested for citation or infringement. This book is a collection of works published in a private edition in 1970, and also includes collage works using ski photographs used in the calendar that caused the trial. Gradually pulling the close-up of the crowd, a graveyard in the shape of "PEACE" appears in the crowd, and when you look further, the crowd is in the shape of "WAR" .... In this book, unique works that have been attempted to pervert, divert, or convert meaning by collage of photographs or drawing pictures on photographs are lined up. It is a book that remains in the history of Japanese art in many ways, rich in wit and humor, and simply enjoyable as a visual.
<Related Artists> マッド・アマノ / Mad Amano
<Condition> Good.