夢の光 / Light of Dreams

田村 彰英 / Akihide Tamura



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/129   Size/213*248*18
Japanese photographer Akihide Tamura's photo book “Light of Dreams”. An exhibition “New Japanese Photography” was first introduced to the world by Japanese photographers at MoMA in New York in 1974. Akihide Tamura was introduced as one of the representatives of Japan's photography world after the war in the same exhibition held by John Shakavsky, the director of MoMA, and Shoji Yamagishi, the editor of “Camera Mainichi”. The illustrations, which are colored with a unique sensibility and unique perspective, are also famous for being in charge of the steel of many Kurosawa films, such as “Kagemusha”, also captured by the movie world master Akira Kurosawa. He has been teaching for more than 30 years at Tokyo Zokei University and Tokyo Sogo Photo College, making great contributions as an educator. This book was published at an exhibition held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in 2012, and is based on fixed-point observations, including the series “BASE”, which shot domestic US military bases in the late 60s and early 70s. This is a book that traces Tamura's creations, including “HOUSE” and “ROAD” that capture the completion of houses and roads, “Wangan” that captures industrial scenes in color, and the site of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
<Related Artists> 田村 彰英 / Akihide Tamura
<Condition> Good.