68-72 ✳︎世界革命✳︎展


¥5,280(¥4,800 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/264   Size/200*210*15
A photo book "68-72 * World Revolution * Exhibition" by the group ICANOF (Ikanov), who has been conducting cutting-edge art activities in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. This book was published during a special exhibition of the same name at the Hachinohe City Museum of Art in 2008. In 1968, a university dispute and an anti-artistic struggle (such as underground theater and the Akasegawa Harahei 1000 yen bill trial) occurred. From that point on, he presented the turning point until 1972 (such as the return to the mainland of Okinawa and the Asama Sanso Incident) when such a phenomenon had stalled. Toshie Tsukidate, who shot the struggle that occurred at Tohoku University in 1969, Toyomitsu Higa, who wrote about the struggle in Okinawa, "<Anti-base anti-return> struggle," and Keizo Kitajima, who shot in the former Soviet Union immediately after the collapse of the Federal Union, `` USSR * 1991 ”, and other works by photographers such as Naoji Hirasawa and Aki Yoneuchi, as well as artists, sculptors, and video artists. Contains the works of various artists. The photograph of Tsukidate, now an architect, is a monochrome picture of one scene of the conflict, like Kazuo Kitai and Hitomi Watanabe, but dynamically reflects the realism of the scene.
<Related Artists> 北島 敬三 / Keizo Kitajima比嘉 豊光 / Toyomitsu Higa
<Condition> Body: cover small scratch / small burn, low ground thread