The Map and The Territory

Luigi Ghirri



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/363   Size/200*248*33
A photo book "The Map and The Territory" by Luigi Gilli, one of Italy's leading photographers. It's no exaggeration to say that Saul Reiter in the east and Luigi Gilli in the west are two photographers that are now popular worldwide. The writer's color book "Early Color" has reached eight prints, and the "all of sole writers" published at the exhibition in Japan has been repeatedly increased. On the other hand, Gilli's "Kodachrome" has become a standard item, and it has been sold in considerable numbers. Both are appealing for their subtle beauty, which is moderately asserted, but without fear of misunderstanding, if the lighter excels in "painting" beauty, Gilli says "architectural". It may be said that such attitudes and thoughts are wonderful. He is multifaceted in his thoughts on materials, colors, shapes, distribution, facial expressions, etc., and is also excellent in real-life and unrealistic storytelling through photographs. This book is a valuable book that contains Gilli's multiple works of the 1970s, who spared no effort to improve the attitude and style as a photographer. A total of four languages have been published since the traveling exhibition in Europe.
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