
大石 芳野 / Yoshino Oishi



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/125   Size/193*235*10
A collection of photographs by Yoshino Oishi, one of the leading female photographers in Japan, Shonen Papany. Yoshino Oishi, who has been active throughout the world on such a theme as "scars and war marks. And people who live there". While publishing this book in 1983, a solo exhibition entitled "Papani" was held at Nikon Salon in 71, and it is also the first work that Oishi asked the world as a photographer. A collection of works that spells the friendship between Ghanaian boy Papany and Oishi Yoshino, who lived in Japan at the time of their childhood, for the convenience of their embassies' father. A boy with a heartfelt anger in love loves Oishi, and Oishi himself loves like a lover by the brilliance of the back of his eyes. In this book, Oishi is chasing shooting for a 6-year-old papa, a 10-year-old Ghana, and a 13-year-old London, as well as a 13-year-old London who moved to another country with his father's transfer. The image described in is a unique book that makes you feel as if you look at a man as a woman, as well as a view that looks at a boy.
<Related Artists> 大石 芳野 / Yoshino Oishi一村 哲也 / Tetsuya Ichimura
<Condition> Jacket: Small faded, small scratched, small worn out Small faded, small damaged, Body: Heaven, small ground faded, small stained