Francesca Woodman -Works from the Sammlung Verbund-

Francesca Woodman



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/304   Size/245*303*30
A photo book of American female photographer Francesca Woodman. A legendary photographer who died at the age of only 22. Born in Denver, Colorado in 1958 to an artist family of a painter's father and a potter's mother, he became a prestigious art school Road Island School of Design to study piano when he was a child and photography after graduating from high school. Cross over and meet Aaron Siskind there. After that, he moved to New York and aspired to be a professional photographer, but at first he did not form himself, devoted himself to creative activities at Artist in Residence, and then committed suicide in New York again, and its existence becomes legendary. Due to the influence of Surrealism such as André Breton and Man Ray, the illustrations taken of himself as an object in an unrealistic ruined space seem to tell the transformation of photographs after the 1980s. , Artistic and original. This book is a 300-page book consisting of 79 photographs of Woodman owned by Austria's major electric power company Verbund, printed in the same size as the original print. Rare English version / English Version.
<Related Artists> Francesca Woodman
<Condition> Good.