Il Senso Delle Cose

Luigi Ghirri & Giorgio Morandi


Publisher/Edizioni Diabasis

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/131   Size/280*280*13
Il Senso Delle Cose is a collection of photos and drawings by Italian photographer Luigi Gilli and the 20th century Italian painter Giorgio Morandi. Translated literally, "The Sense Of Things". Gilli took a chance to photograph Morandi's atelier in 1989, following an accidental encounter with Morandi's heritage executor in 1989, and went to the atelier for six months to shoot about 400 photos. Atelier Morandi, a photo book published in 1992, is still extremely popular worldwide. This book contains 20 illustrations of Morandi's masterpieces in addition to the same number of illustrations as Atelier Morandi's 39 photo books (photos are different), condensing the charms of both Gilli and Morandi artists A gorgeous book. The text is written in both English and Italian.
<Related Artists> Luigi Ghirri