Shoji Ueda Collection L'oiseau Rare

植田 正治 / Shoji Ueda

¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)

Publisher/Filigranes Editions

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/170*133*8
The photo book "Shoji Ueda Collection L'oiseau Rare" by Shoji Ueda (1913-2000), a photographer who is proud of Japan's world, whose style is called "Ueda style". A rare photograph that continued to take avant-garde photographs while making the most of the climate, climate, and culture, with his hometown Tottori as his lifelong place, when many photographers were active in Japan and abroad. It's home. This book was published in 2000 when Ueda died by the French publisher "Filigranes Editions", which mainly releases art and design books. Ueda has been highly acclaimed in France, receiving the Medal of Arts and Culture in 1996, but in this book, Ueda's major works such as one of the masterpieces, "Girls' Four States" and "Small Fox Appearance", which are also on the cover page. Includes works from the 1930s to the 1970s, focusing on children's photographs, which was the theme. It is divided into "modernism", "dune", "family", "realism", and "fantasy" in chronological order, and the photographs of Shoji Ueda are summarized in a compact size.