
百々 俊二 / Shunji Dodo

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/285*213*10
The representative photographer of Japan, Shunji Onedo photo book "The New World History". After graduating from the Department of Photography, Kyushu Sangyo University, Shunji Onedo continues to work mainly in Kansai and Osaka. Has a brilliant career with the Japan Photographic Society of Japan Award for “Rakuto Kii Peninsula (1996)”, the 24th Ina Nobuo Award for “Sennen Raku (1996)”, and the 27th Higashikawa Award for “Osaka (2011)”. A photographer who has long been the principal of a school at a vocational school (currently a visual arts vocational school, Osaka) and has also worked as an educator. In recent years, he has continued to release works such as "Haruka Hida Hiraku 1968-1977 (2012)" "Japan Sea (2014)" energetically and keeps high popularity worldwide, but this book was published in 1986 This is an early work collection, consisting of illustrations taken in the New World of the local Osaka. A lot of deep and powerful photographs that even the alleys and the "scents" of people living there are transmitted. It is a collection of works in which the love of the photographer who loves the local area and the sights of good old Osaka and downtown are expressed wonderfully.
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<Condition> Slip Case: Slight color, Slight body: Cover, color, sky, earth, small color