Fleamarkets / Flohmarkte / Les Marches aux Puces

Joel D. Levinson


Publisher/Edition Braus

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*220*8
American photographer Joel Levinson's photo book "Fleamarkets / Flohmarkte / Les Marches aux Puces". Born in Connecticut, Levinson is a freelance photographer after graduating from the prestigious University of California, Berkeley. From masterpieces depicting mid-century American culture to portraits of celebrities from all walks of life to experimental photomontages, he has exhibited at dozens of museums and galleries across the United States, and many of his works. It is in permanent possession. Currently, he seems to be making a lot of posters for movies such as Warner Brothers, but this book is Levinson's 2nd photo book published in 1986, literally in the flea market that was held in various parts of California. A book that describes the situation. A unique book that condenses the culture of the West Coast at the time, from wagon store sellers to buyers, objects being sold, market atmosphere, and recycling systems. Both English, German and French.
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<Condition> Main body: Cover with little thread, little stain, little stain on the ground