Face of Fashion

Paolo Roversi & Others



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/231   Size/310*250*25
This book is a USA perture version of the collection of works published at the exhibition "Face of Fashion" held at the National Portrait Gallery in London in 2007. Curated by former gallery curator Susan Bright, five leading photographers in the contemporary fashion photography world have been nominated for the fascination and essence of contemporary fashion photography. I am. Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott, Corinne Day, Steven Klein, Paolo Roversi, Mario Sorrenti. The content and recording artists are very gorgeous, and the quality is perfect for only the five big names who are responsible for the image visual of the luxury & collection brand.
<Related Artists> Paolo RoversiCorrine DayGlen LuchfordPatrick Demarchelier
<Condition> Very good.