A New American Picture

Doug Rickard



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/140   Size/255*325*20
"A New American Picture", a collection of works by American photographer and artist Doug Ricardo. When it comes to traditional road trip photography that portrays the so-called "America," Walker Evans, Robert Frank, William Eggleston, and Steven Shore are famous. Depicting historical facts from a journalistic perspective and showing the unknown America from a personal perspective, there was a solid America, and there was America fascinated by everyone in the world. Ricardo made virtual trips through his ancestors through Google Street View and edited images diverted from web archives to reveal "modern America". It is just "A New American Picture" including the contents of the illustration and the creation method. Ricardo's work advocates a new "future" of photographic art, as well as the importance of "history" behind them. Published and revised in 2012.
<Related Artists> Alec SothWalker EvansTodd Hido
William EgglestonSally EauclaireJustine Kurland

<Condition> Jacket / Body: Aged, Beautiful goods