"Friday Kishin Shinoyama Special" is a collection of works by Kishin Shinoyama (1940-2024), one of Japan's leading postwar photographers. Although he has an overwhelming reputation and career in commercial photography, he has distanced himself from the path of photography walked by Araki and Moriyama, and has not participated in any of the collections featuring representative postwar photographers, such as the "Japanese Photographers Series," "Sonorama Photo Selection Series," or "Contemporary Video Series." He is generally known as a "master of stripping," such as Rie Miyazawa's Santa Fe, but he also produced many masterpieces in his documentary-style works, such as his early works "Sunny Day" and "House," and Araki also looked up to him as a lifelong rival. This is the special issue of the magazine "Friday" featuring Kishin Shinoyama. The cast includes Hinano Yoshikawa, Ryoko Hirosue, Emily Nakayama, Chiharu Niiyama, Shinju Ozawa, Mariya Yamada, Aiko Sato, Sayaka Yoshino, Hiromi Nagasaku, Nanako Okouchi, Riona Hazuki, Kyosho Kitaura, Akiko Yada, Hijiri Kojima, Chiaki Hara, and Rie Tomosaka.