
John Kacere



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/169   Size/245*310*23
A collection of works by American painter John Cassell (1920-1999). “I can find beauty in any woman. That joy is the vitality of my life,” said Casserre, who continued to paint women in their underwear throughout his life. Born in Iowa to a family that ran a dry goods business, he developed an interest in painting after being taught how to paint by a craftsman who came to paint the store's advertising signboards. It seems that I learned sketching and lettering. While being influenced by the world of post-war American pin-ups, he moved away from the world of pin-up-like "fantasy" to the world of "surrealism" against the background of "hyperrealism", which has been trending since the 1960s. Casserre continued to pursue the reality that emerges by being fascinated and "staring". In 1996, a collection of works by Ryosuke Handa, supervised by Seiichi Suzuki, was published in Japan, but this is a valuable book published by a French publisher in 1989.
<Related Artists> John Kacere
<Condition> Good.