"Sundays Wandering" is a photo collection by Japanese photographer Michio Hori. Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1953, Michio Hori graduated from Tokyo College of Photography in 1977 and has been holding exhibitions since the 1980s. He began his "Tochu" series at Place M in the 2000s and has continued to exhibit his "Tochu" series at Gallery Sokyusha in recent years. This book is his first photo collection, published in 2000. It begins with the text, "On my 'weekend' Sunday, I spend the day wandering around the outskirts of Tokyo. Perhaps the people I pass by are also traveling to foreign lands. Days off are short. From tomorrow, long hours of overwork await us again." Perhaps the photographer's bliss is to take photos freely on his only day off. Such thoughts are clearly reflected in his photographs, and the illustrations that satirically capture the unique moments of people enjoying relaxation are fascinating. This book is packed with the fun of snapshot photography.