おんなの写真集 第一回KPC公募展


¥5,500(¥5,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/255   Size/225*310*30
This book is a collection of works from the first public exhibition of the photography club "Kaigo no Hana Photographer Club (KPC)," where Komaru Hoshino was the chairman and Shotaro Akiyama was the advisor. Not only Akiyama, but also other masters such as Takeji Iwamiya, Shoji Otake, and Masaya Nakamura served as advisors and judges, and as you can imagine from the members, many of the works were themed on "women" and "nudity," and it seems that many of the members gathered in search of such creations. In this book, the works of the masters are introduced at the beginning, and the award-winning and selected works are introduced later, but the illustrations are typical of Japanese photography from the 1970s.
<Related Artists> 岩宮 武二 / Takeji Iwamiya
<Condition> Good.