
Petra Stavast

¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)

Publisher/Fw Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/222   Size/175*245*25
Ramya is a collection of works by Dutch visual artist Petra Stavast (1977-). Through various media such as photography, film, and text, Stavast has left behind many meaningful works that, while simple in depiction, structure complex social issues through seemingly insignificant fragments of everyday life and personal observations. This book is like a personal documentary of the owner of the house, Ramya, who once lived under the same roof. A woman's daily life. Various communications and fragments of life are depicted in a sequence of photographs, and a woman's life is written. Ramya also has an unknown side to her. In the early 1980s, she was also a member of the Rajneeshpuram community, which was founded in Oregon, USA, and attracted followers from all over the world as a spiritual community. That place no longer exists, and is now a road covered with asphalt. The exterior and interior of a woman, the appearance she shows to others and the appearance she does not show, the outer heart and the inner heart. This documentary depicts the various thoughts of a woman living alone from the middle to the later years of her life.
<Related Artists> Nina Korhonen
<Condition> Good.