河:累影 / River, Its Shadow of Shadows

森永 純 / Jun Morinaga



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/313*278*25
A photo collection by Japanese photographer Jun Morinaga (1937-2018) entitled "River: Accumulated Shadows". Jun Morinaga is also known for being an assistant to Eugene Smith, an American photographer who brought Minamata disease caused by pollution to the world. He graduated from the Department of Photography at Nihon University College of Art in 1960, joined the photography department of Iwanami Productions in 1961, and became an assistant to Eugene Smith in 1962. He held a solo exhibition entitled "Moment Monument" in 1969, and won the Japan Photo Critics Association Newcomer Award the following year. Since then, he has been regularly releasing his work. This is Morinaga's first photo collection, and is composed of images mainly taken of rivers in Tokyo (then called sewers). The photographs were taken in the early 1960s, and depict the surface of the river, which appears to be covered in mud and oil and has a slow flow, the corpses of fish, and the riverbanks. The unique sculptural expression is like looking at a monochrome abstract painting, and the book is bound by Kohei Sugiura, who worked on Kikuji Kawada's "Map". This is one of the best photo books ever made. "No real people appear in these photographs. But it seems to me that the various undercurrents of resentment in our time are simmering persistently in these photographs" (Eugene Smith).
<Related Artists> 森永 純 / Jun Morinaga
<Condition> Good. No shipping box.