Sibylle Bergemann 1941-2010

Sibylle Bergemann



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/243*305*20
"Sibylle Bergemann 1941-2010" is a collection of works by German female photographer Sibylle Bergemann. Under the communist state of the former East Germany, Bergemann quietly and profoundly captured its history and development on camera. Her husband is photographer Arno Fischer, who also has roots in East Germany. He is a photographer who founded many photography groups and federations in East Germany, and has also taught at art universities, technical universities, and photography schools for many years, working as an educator. Since 2000, she has actively taken color photographs, and her unique, fantastical, fairy-tale-like image depictions have resonated with many female fans. This book is a collection of works published on the occasion of an exhibition held in 2016, and was held to celebrate Bergemann's 75th birthday, who died of cancer in 2010. It is a biography filled with the charm of her mentioned above. Written in both English and German.
<Related Artists> Arno FischerDavid Hamilton
<Condition> Very good.