
Robert Farber

¥1,650(¥1,500 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/112   Size/215*285*13
"Moods" is a collection of works by American photographer Robert Ferber. Born in 1944, Ferber was influenced by his mother, who was a painter, and started painting oils, watercolors, and sketching from an early age, but he majored in marketing in college. However, Ferber was not ready to give up on the arts, and after moving to New York, he became absorbed in photography. Eventually, his unique touch and beautiful, painting-like photographs earned him recognition, and he began to stand out in the fashion and commercial fields. Ferber has worked on a wide range of projects, from department stores such as Bloomingdale's and Saks Fifth Avenue to nudes for Playboy, and since the 1990s, he has been one of the earliest photographers to create and present digital works. This book is a book that is a perfect mix of Ferber's charms, including still lifes, landscapes, and nudes.
<Related Artists> David Hamilton
<Condition> Good ~ Acceptable.