im hinblick(New Edition)

Richard Avedon

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/160   Size/278*370*25
Im hinblick (New Edition) is the German reprint of Richard Avedon's second photobook Nothing Personal, following Observations, which is considered a timeless masterpiece in the history of photobooks. The book was designed by Marvin Israel, who studied under Alexei Brodovitch, who was in charge of the art direction of Observations. Marvin Israel is also famous for designing Arbus' best-selling book Diane Arbus, which is respected by Diane Arbus and continues to be reprinted to this day. This book is typical of Avedon in that it depicts both the front and back of American society in the 1960s, from portraits of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Miller, Malcolm X, and President Eisenhower to mental hospitals, family photos on the beach, and anti-violence student activists. This book is a complete reprint published in 2017 after more than 50 years, and a new booklet is included.
<Related Artists> Richard AvedonDiane ArbusAlexey Brodovitch
<Condition> Good with small damages on the cover.