Golden Gate(2001)

Richard Misrach



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/132   Size/288*340*20
Golden Gate (2001) is a photo book by Richard Misrach, one of America's leading photographers. Mizrach began photography while majoring in psychology at the prestigious University of California, Berkeley, and has been active since the 1970s. In the early days of his career, he released ``Telegraph 3 AM'', which was full of subculture colors and included snapshots of young people living and playing in Berkeley, the homeless, graffiti, landscapes, etc., but after that his style changed completely. The ``New Topographics'' perspective, which incorporates political, economic, social, and environmental issues using nature as a motif, as exemplified by ``Desert Cantos (Desert Psalms),'' and the aesthetic ``New Color'' perspective. I have been engaged in creative activities mainly based on the works expressed in ``. This book is a collection of landscape works based on California's Golden Gate Bridge that captures various expressions of the sky and sea.
<Related Artists> Richard Misrach
<Condition> Good.