City Indians

Chris Wroblewski & Nelly Gommez-Vaez


Publisher/Eichbom Verlag

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/285*240*10
A collection of works by British photographer Chris Wroblewski and French photographer Nelly Gommez-Vaez. After releasing his first photo book "Skin Show" in 1981, Chris Urobleski has established a solid position as a body art photographer, introducing a series of tattoos from around the world. On the other hand, after dropping out of college, Nelly Gomez-Baets has begun to take pictures while traveling around the world and has published works such as portraits and landscapes. This book is Urobruski's 2nd, a masterpiece of punk rock, youth culture, and subculture photographs. Chapters such as "Mohicans", "Skinheads", "Sons of hell", "Sic Boys" and "Tattoo" are mainly included, with portraits of "City Indians" in Paris and London. Martin Knox's design based on black and red is also very unique. Foreword by Claude Levy-Strauss, a prominent Native American ethnologist.
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<Condition> Body: cover minor scratches, minor damage, earth, small mouth, minor burns, minor stain, return minor stain