Archaeology in Reverse

Stephen Gill

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/104   Size/225*225*20
British photographer Stephen Gill's photo book ``Archaeology in Reverse.'' After working for Magnum Photo, Gill is currently working as a freelancer. An artist who continues to publish works that captivate photography fans with unique perspectives, finely honed prints, and creative experimental photographic expressions. In addition to his own photobooks such as "Hackney Wick (2005)" and "Coexistence (2012)," he is also highly popular for directing photobooks by Bertien van Manen and others. This book is a collection of works on the theme of Hackney in East London, which Gill has been interested in and photographed for many years, and is like a sequel series to ``Hackney Wick.'' If ``Hackney Flowers'', which was released around the same time, used flowers as a motif to express the multifaceted charm of the ``now'' Hackney district, this book, as the title suggests, is a book that uses flowers as a motif to express the multifaceted charm of Hackney. This work seems to depict the ``past'', ``present'', and ``future'' that will occur in the future, and it also seems like a study of the ecosystem in Hackney. This work allows you to enjoy the creativity of photographer Gil.
<Related Artists> Stephen Gill
<Condition> Very good.