Winogrand Color

Garry Winogrand

¥14,300(¥13,000 + tax)

Publisher/Twin Palms Publishers

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/305*305*25
``Winogrand Color'' is a collection of works by Gary Winogrand, a master of American photography. During his lifetime, Winogrand published few collections of his works, and his works have been published mainly from the large amount of archives found after his death.This is a long-awaited collection of works published focusing on "color". . Mainly the city of New York in the 1960s, but also Coney Island, and even the vast open landscapes of central and western America, such as Los Angeles and Texas, full of highlights. Some color works have been introduced before, but the main works, including masterpieces, have been monochrome, so this may be the first time that color has been introduced in general. Furthermore, considering the fact that most of the photos were taken in the 1960s, it is surprising. If it had been announced at the time, it might have been introduced as "New Color...". . .
<Related Artists> Garry WinograndLee Friedlander
<Condition> Very good.