Jet Jet Jet

青木 勝 / Katsu Aoki



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/305*220*15
"Jet Jet Jet" is a photo book by Japanese photographer Masaru Aoki. Masaru Aoki is Japan's first and representative photographer specializing in airplanes. After graduating from Tokyo College of Photography (now Tokyo Polytechnic University), he worked in the photography department of Sports Nippon Newspaper's Tokyo headquarters, and later became a freelancer. In 1970, he began photographing airplanes as a contract photographer for Japan Airlines (JAL). At that time, there were no good models for taking pictures of airplanes, such as those taken by wartime military planes, press photographers, or catalog photos from airplane companies, so he began taking pictures relying on his own sensibilities. This book is Aoki's first photo book published in 1975, more than five years after he started photographing airplanes. Includes the Boeing 707, which supported the genesis of jet airliners, the now-defunct Boeing 727, and the Boeing 747, which was loved by many people under the name "Jumbo." This is a book that will make you fall in love with the beauty of airplanes, which are the result of the manufacturer's technology, people, and the dreams of photographer Masaru Aoki.
<Related Artists> 高倉 清雄 / Kiyoo Takakura
<Condition> Good.