New York Subway 1977-1984

Willy Spiller


Publisher/Edition Bildhalle

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*325*20
Swiss photographer Willy Spiller's photo book "New York Subway 1977-1984". Spiller, who studied photography at universities in Zurich and Milan, is one of Switzerland's leading photojournalists. His clients include global companies such as Siemens and Nokia, as well as newspaper companies such as the Wall Street Journal, and he has won numerous awards. This book is Spiller's masterpiece set in the New York subway filmed in the 1980s, and is based on the first edition of ``Subway New York -Menschen im untergrund-'' published in 1986, and ``Sturm & Drang'' published in 2016. This is a new edition to be published in 2023, following ``Hell on Wheels''. The first edition was published in 1986, the same year that Magnum Photo photographer Bruce Davidson's masterpiece ``Subway'' was published, and it depicts the New York subway system that was feared not only by tourists but also by locals. . A collection of works packed with New York in the 1980s, including various dramas in the underground world, innocent youth, and graffiti art. This large-sized book is dynamic and dramatic, and is highly recommended as it is a different experience than the first edition.
<Related Artists> Bruce Davidson
<Condition> Very good.