ズームアップ / Zoom Up 日報連横浜支部写真集


¥7,700(¥7,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/119   Size/190*260*13
This book is a collection of works published by the Yokohama branch of the Japan Press Photography Federation, which was formed in 1951 with the support of the Mainichi Shimbun. The photo that comes to mind when using the keywords "Yokohama" and "press photo" is Takashi Hamaguchi. As a photojournalist, Hamaguchi is a famous photographer who has left behind a reportage of resistance and struggles that broke out all over the country, including "Sanrizuka" and "University Struggle", and Hamaguchi serves as the chairman of the main branch (by the way, Japan Press Photo The Federation has also published a collection of Hamaguchi's own works.) This work also begins with a frontispiece photographed by Hamaguchi, and other works by each member are introduced, but it is a series of monochrome images typical of the 1970s.