愛しのチロ / Chiro, My Love(First Edition, First Printing, Signed)

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/135*195*13
"My Love Ciro" is a photo book by Nobuyoshi Araki, one of Japan's leading photographers. This book is a photo collection of Chiro, Araki and his wife Yoko's beloved cat. Chiro tells Araki, ``It's my mistress, it's my life.'' Chiro comes to Araki in March 1988 at the age of 4 months, but at first Araki hates cats. However, he has completely changed his attitude, saying, ``A is a trichomonas in an instant'' and ``I can't help it if it's cute.'' On the balcony, on the roof of the neighborhood, in Yoko's arms, on Araki's belly as he sleeps... We see Chiro acting freely, and Araki snaps the shutter as if admiring him. Text is inserted throughout, and Araki's feelings for Chiro are directly conveyed. Many of them were taken in 1989, but there was also a time when Yoko was hospitalized with uterine fibroids and was absent (and passed away in 1990), so Chiroro became a subject that reflected Araki's sentimental mood. It seems as if there existed. Since Yoko was really looking forward to its publication, this book was placed next to Yoko in the coffin. Signed by the photographer . First edition/first printing.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Good.