Paolo Roversi(Photo Poche)

Paolo Roversi

¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/144   Size/125*190*10
A photo book by Paolo Roversi, originally from Italy and currently based in Paris. Born in Ravenna, Italy in 1947, Roversi became interested in photography as a teenager and set up a darkroom in his basement to study printing himself. In the early 1970s, he opened a small studio in his hometown, where he was invited by Peter Knapp, a Swiss photographer who was then the art director of Elle magazine, to move to Paris. After moving there, he began taking fashion photos for the same magazine. Since then, he has remained in Paris, and as is well known, he has been active in fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle, as well as famous collection brands. This book is part of the "Photo Poche" series, which compiles masterpieces by famous photographers into pocket-sized books. Spanish version.
<Related Artists> Paolo Roversi
<Condition> Very good.